Megan Owens Photography| Idaho Falls and Rexburg Photographer One of the reasons I love my job so much is it is so versatile. I can shoot weddings, newborn babes, products, or a boutique model session like this! It keeps things exciting and feel like it helps make me a more well-rounded photographer. I love the […]
Megan Owens Photography| Idaho Falls Photographer I have done well over 100 shoots this year. I have been able to photograph some really amazing things! Out of all of the pictures I have taken, though, the ones from this in-home lifestyle session are hands down my all-time faves. Not only are they of my cute […]
Megan Owens| Idaho Falls Photographer Preparing for your session can be a tricky thing! Coordinating outfits, getting everybody ready, and making sure not to forget anything can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task. This blog post will help you know what to bring along with you to help things run smoothly and give you those […]
Megan Owens| Idaho Falls wedding photographer I am a HUGE fan of The Office. One of my very favorite scenes is right after Pam and Jim get married. The song “Forever” by Chris Brown starts blasting through the chapel, and the bridesmaids and Office cast dance down the aisle. So you can imagine how excited […]
Megan Owens| Idaho Falls and Rexburg Photographer Aren’t chill weekends the very best? It is always exactly what I need to start fresh and energize myself for the next week. This weekend was one of those weekends. We hung out at home, went on a date, ate great food, and watched way too much Netflix. […]
Megan Owens| Idaho Falls Family Photographer The best part about being an Idaho Falls family photographer is I get to photograph families like this! This is the Johnston Family. Kim has been one of my best friends for 12 years now! Kim and I met through mutual friends. One day I heard it was her […]
Megan Owens Photography| Idaho Falls and Rexburg Newborn Photographer Oh my word, this sweet baby completely stole my heart. Isn’t she soo perfect?? This was my first newborn session in a while, and she helped me remember how much I love taking pictures of tiny, perfect babies. I would be totally down to be a […]