The best part about the nice weather outside is that we get to go on our little adventures together as a family. I don’t know what other families like to do in the evenings, but we usually like to go on some sort of “adventure,” which doesn’t actually end up being that adventurous. But it always ends up being fun for our boys!
We love to go over to Bonneville High School. There is a big dirt field across from the tennis courts. Last year, there was a big dirt hill on it. There were also thousands of ladybugs. Sadly, they bulldozed the lot, so now it is just a big field. But Henry still thinks it is so magical! He likes to find rocks in the field to take home and paint. (We have a serious collection of painted rocks in front of our house.)
There are also some farm animals over there in between Bonneville High School and Rocky Mountain Middle School. We like to walk over to them and feed them grass. Will thinks it’s extra funny when the white cow licks his hand, so he will put his hand in front of the cow’s mouth without any food haha. His little laugh is my favorite, so I don’t stop him.
There are also some large tires over by the tennis courts that the football team uses. Henry and Will could play in those all day! They hide in them, jump from tire to tire, and make slow motion videos of them jumping off of them.
Another thing we like to do is go to the new neighborhoods that are being built and play on their dirt hills. They are always so big- literally a little boy’s dream. It was raining tonight, but that didn’t stop Henry and Will from having the best time ever!
It doesn’t take much to make two little toddler boys happy. As long as it is outside, they think whatever we are doing is the greatest thing ever. These are my favorite moments as a mom! I will treasure these summer nights forever.
Enjoy my iPhone pics from tonight’s adventures!