Kisses from Katie is probably the most inspiring book I have ever read. It is about an awesome girl named Katie who did a service mission in Uganda and loved it so much that she moved there, permanently, right out of high school. She has been there for over ten years now, and has adopted 14 Ugandan girls, and started a school and a ministry. The whole book focuses on Jesus and love and has the best messages. I’m going to share some of my favorite parts with you guys. Even though I don’t share any context to these specific quotes of the book, they still hold so much truth and power.
“This is Jesus. No that he apologizes for the hard and the hurt but that he enters in. He comes with us ate the hard places.”
“I knew the job of being a mother is what God created my heart for.”
“Mommy is the fixer of boo-boos and the mender of broken hearts.”
“Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this world.”
“This house has become a home, not just to me but to hundreds. It holds my heart. It holds so many lessons. It is a place where children can be children, where people can know they are important and special and loved. It is a place where people accept Christ and learn about Him and grow in Him. It is my house. But mostly, it is a house of the Lord.”
““The place where God calls us is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” – Frederick Beuchner”
“People are people. They all need food and water and medicine, but mostly they need love and truth and Jesus.”
“The more I give of myself, the more he fills me up. The more I love, the more love I have to give.”
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes people’s lives and their eternity. And that is worth spending my life for.”
“I believe there is only one truly courageous thing that we can do with our lives; to love unconditionally. Absolutely, with all of ourselves, so must that it hurts and then more.”
“I have learned along my journey that if I really want follow Jesus, I will go to the hard places.”
Thank you, Katie, for blessing us with such a wonderful and inspiring book. So much power to all of her words! I love her second book, Daring to Hope, just as much. Please give them both a read and let me know what you think!