Many of my couples get married in LDS temples. You have probably seen several pictures of the fancy looking buildings on Instagram. So, what’s the deal with LDS temples? Why is everyone getting married in them? And why can’t everyone go inside?
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe that temples are the most sacred buildings on earth. They are literally the houses of the Lord. Inside the temples, members of the church make sacred covenants with their Father in Heaven. We believe these covenants are essential for our exaltation. So we love helping others come unto Christ and make these sacred covenants in holy temples!
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints choose to get married in temples because in doing so they are making those sacred covenants with God. We believe that when we are married, or sealed, in the temple, it is for eternity. It isn’t “until death do us part.” It is forever! It doesn’t much better than that! Knowing this life isn’t the end and the things we work so hard for will carry on into the next life really puts a different perspective on things. It’s pretty amazing!
The reason that you have to have a recommend from a church leader to enter the temple is because there are guidelines that one must follow to enter the sacred building. You must be chaste, not use drug or tobacco, and attend church meetings, as well as a list of other things. This shows the Lord that we are willing to sacrifice and that we are dedicated to keeping his temple clean and holy. It’s not that the things that happen in the temples are a big secret or anything, they are just very sacred. Before a temple is dedicated unto the Lord, though, there is an open house for the public. Anyone can go through and see what’s inside!
I love going to the temple. They ave been closed for over a year because of COVID, and I am anxious for them to open back up again! I miss that extra peace and serenity in my life that visiting the temple can bring. I am really looking forward to them opening back up!
If you have any questions about LDS temples, let me know! I would be more than happy to answer all of your questions. You can also check out for more information.